马联产业联号公司 西澳挖到高品位金矿

(吉隆坡4日讯)马联产业(MUIPROP,3913,主板产业股)持股40.7%的联号公司Nex Metals Exploration(简称Nex Metals),称在西澳Kookynie矿区挖到高品位金矿。马联产业今日在文告中指出,在澳洲上市的Nex Metals所委任的金属开采公司Metalicity,在10个反循环钻孔中发现高品位金矿。

MUI-linked Australian mine discovers high-grade gold ore

KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 4): MUI Properties Bhd’s 40.7% associate Nex Metals Exploration Ltd, which is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX), has found high-grade gold mineralisation in its Kookynie mining site located in the northeastern goldfields of Western Australia. In a statement today, MUI Properties said the 10-reversed-circulation drill holes achieved high-grade gold intercepts…